Saturday 26 March 2011

Visit to my parents

Well, last Thursday it was the birthday of my youngest brother, he's turned 18 now.. My little brother... 18!! My little brother... an adult! That alone just makes me feel old now, he's supposed to be little, but he's like a big boy now!

Today his birthday was celebrated and at first we thought we couldn't go, but because not a lot of people were coming over my mom decided to pay our tickets and we could come over anyway! We got him a jar of sweets with a refill because not everything fitted in the jar and he liked it. So that's one thing already.

Other than that we had a really good day. I joined my parents and my brother and his girlfriend for a game of The Settlers of Catan. Yes, I put a link in there for the people who don't know the game ;) The game was very fun and we actually finished it for once too! While I was playing that game Dan was playing some Tetris on his DS and actually set a new high-score of over 2.6 million!!

After that we had a very nice chat with my mom about moving, which was very relaxing which is something pretty rare at my parents place! We did that while admiring the new study they made for Dick's new job and my mom's new therapists home practice.

All in all it may have been a loud day, but it certainly was a very fun day!

Other then that not a lot happened this week. We did however get our project back and the hospital is quite happy with it, we don't need to change a lot and they had quite a bit of positive feedback, which is always nice of course! So now all we've got to do is some minor changes, put the feedback in there and then hand it in on Monday.

Well, I don't really know what to add any more and I'm pretty tired too. It's not going to be fun to have an hour less sleep tonight! :(

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