Sunday 21 July 2013

British visitors

Well, it's been a while, but that's mainly because I've been quite busy. First Sue came over and we had a lovely couple of days together. We visited the zoo and spend a lot of time out and about in the city.

Then straight after my holiday I had more visitors from Britain. The 9th and 10th of July I had a district nursing teacher from Scotland over at work. She followed me two days as I was doing my job, while at the same time asking a lot of questions. Most of those I answered, there were a couple that I couldn't answer though. It was very fun to do, although also exhausting. Constantly translating and trying to figure out her accent.

And last Monday and Tuesday I spend with Thomas and Cathy from Reform. They are doing some research into better ways of giving (community) care in England and heard many good stories about Buurtzorg. They were also the ones that set up a conference that Jos (my boss) spoke at in January in London and which was also what pitched the BBC's interest.
On Monday we spend most of the day in Almelo. Mainly telling Thomas and Cathy about how Buurtzorg works, how it is organised and how it was started. But also about how the dutch healthcare system works. Later we went back to Amsterdam and had dinner there. It was quite a busy day, but very interesting and fun. I certainly have done my best to show what Buurtzorg is like and I think it's pretty clear to them how it works now.
On Tuesday I took them with me to a client. They loved to see her and her daughter and the family loved to be host to them. It was quite nice and they have now met one of our clients, just to show what kind of care we deliver.

All in all it were two very fun and interesting days. I heard a lot of new things. Quite a couple of helpful things as well. So, now it's time to brainstorm again and see what I can use. And of course I have expanded my network of contacts again at the very least.

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