Tuesday 3 September 2013


It's been busy the last few weeks. Dan's pc broke the other night, so he currently doesn't have any sound on his pc, and his skype got hacked we think. So that's all a little frustrating.

I've also been very busy sorting out my papers to go to England. A good bit got sorted, although I'm currently waiting for people to respond to me. Very frustrating to not be able to make it go faster :P

And last but not least I have been very busy with organising a visit from a district nurse and a GP from Cornwall. This is the first visit that I'm completely organising myself and I'm quite happy with it. After all it was me that invited them over as well. And I'm just extremely happy that at last there is people, nurses and GP's, that are interested, that see the benefits. Because I do believe it would make the healthcare in the UK better for it. And I'm extremely excited to meet these people and show them what we do!

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