Monday 12 August 2013

New hope

Well, there might be some hope after all, maybe. Last week I got contacted by a district nurse from Cornwall.

I guess she read the BBC article and googled my name. She added me as a friend on facebook, telling me she's very interested in the Buurtzorg model and wants to know more. After the news from Jos that I had to wait, at least with a Buurtzorg like company, this seriously made my day. The fact that we had reached actual district nurses after all, and more so, that they were enthousiast about the idea! Since, so far I had a district nurse teacher and some researchers (maybe high standing researchers, but researchers non the less) show interest and come over. And that's great, because they can promote it and use it to get other people enthousiast, but they are not district nurses, or even nurses themselves. They cannot help me with a plan, they cannot set something up themselves.

It sounds like this nurse, Karen, is very enthousiast and working very hard for it though! She's got the interest of the GP she works with and the local politicians are paying attention too. If there's anything that I suspect will change Jos's mind, is if I can team up with this nurse, I with my knowlegde of how we work here, of the vision of the company and Karen with her knowledge of how it works in England. And well, if she can attract the attention of a local politician, then she must be doing something right :D

And even if all of this doesn't work out, if I have to sign up with a regular health care company, even if it's just for now, I will stay in touch with Buurtzorg, so maybe in a couple of years I can be useful. Because if other nurses are interested, enthousiast even, that must mean there is room and space for improvement.

On a small side note, I finally got my papers from the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council), so I should finally be able to carry on with my registration as a nurse in England!

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