Friday 21 October 2011

Trial test

Well, time for another blog now :) About time as well, as it's been a couple of weeks already again.
Anyways, last Tuesday I had the trial test for my drivers licence. It's completely like a normal test, other than that you don't hear whether you pass or not, you just get asked what you thought went good and bad and well the stuff you need to work on. This is fairly new, but it helps keeping the amount of people not passing down due to having experienced it already once as well.
My test didn't go exactly fantastic though sadly. Then again no body expected me to drive fantastic yet I guess since then it would have been the final test and not another two weeks of lessons and all. It didn't go exactly fantastic because I was seriously nervous and started making more and more mistakes towards the end of my lesson (I had an hours lesson before the test). To which my instructor started moaning an moaning harder and harder and thus even before the test even started I had no confidence left already..
However, it was not all bad, because apart from knowing how the final test will be there's another pro to taking the trial test. It's that if you pass the special manoeuvres you had to do during the trial test, you don't have to do them again on the final test. This part of the test went good and thus I at least don't have to do any parking, turning and other shit like that during the test but only driving :)
The parts that still scare me are highways, sooo fast! And I need to do all the things at the same time, like speed up and look and keep the steering wheel straight and all that.

Something else that's been happening often and fast, so far without any result though is checking houses. I'm now getting emails, with places that fit our searches, every day. Of those we pick the ones we like, if there are any at all and forward them to Sue. She then contacts the company to see if they can arrange a viewing but so far that's not been possible yet. They always wanted rid of the houses in the same week, which is of course way to quick for us sadly. But Sue and Tom are going to take a look around this Saturday, so hopefully they will be able to find something semi decent :)

I have also send the form that needs to filled in by the Dutch government to them. So hopefully it won't be too long before they sent it back and I can sent all of it to the UK.

Also, I've changed the look of the blog. First there was another look I liked which made me lose the old one I had, so then I came up with this. Pretty nice I think :)

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