Thursday, 18 October 2012


 Well, it's been a while since the last blog. Mainly because we've been really busy with all kinds of stuff. From moving in the house to building two awesome new pc's. But also we've got a cat now!!

And for all you people interested in some kitty pictures I've selected a couple and put them up here.
Get ready to meet Zoey!

First of some pictures from the very early beginnings. The picture at the top is on the day that she arrived. The same day she went on our laps to sleep and even slept with us on the bed that night. It was the only night that happened so far!

And on the side is Zoey laying on the bed with Dan. She nodded off for a bit as well, but she was mainly just looking at what shenanigans I was doing with the camera.

 Then it really became summer in the Netherlands with temperatures of up to 35 degrees Celsius. And after Zoey had gotten all of her vaccinations she was allowed on the balcony and had a whole new space to investigate. This resulted in some chilling with us in the sunshine.

The sunshine also made it very easy for me to grow some catgrass. The tub below I grew in a weekend! And there's still some left of it. She absolutely loved and loves it!

Zoey likes to sit, play, sleep and live on the desks a lot. We use the pc's a lot and she loves being close to us. So when we put a hoodie or  something else on the desk this is a fantastic new toy. And she loves to hide.

And then she started to venture to places she shouldn't go, the counter, fridge and bookshelves. Also her old scratch-post started to go a tad bit wonky. So we got her a new one. It's only a tiny one, honest!

Well, okay it's not. But it's still only one corner of the house that's for the cat, the rest is ours. And she absolutely loves it. She sleeps and plays on it. And most importantly she uses this instead of our furniture to scratch.

She still loves to sit on our desks and the closer the better. While I'm writing this she's gone from sitting in front of Dan's monitor to sitting in front of mine and even laying between my keyboard and monitor. But she also loves to lay on my mouse-pad. So much even that I couldn't use it or my mouse any more. So I bought a bigger one. And as you can see, she still loves to lay on it and take it completely over.

She also loves hiding! In the most unconventional places if possible. So in the sofa is a good contender! We actually lost her the first time she did that. She was completely under the blanket that's on there.

Saturday, 10 March 2012


Well, we've moved most of our stuff now. Just the dinner table, clothes closets and the bottoms of the beds left at the old place. Which was sadly due to running out of time :(

And of the beds we do have the matrasses but well the sofabed is quite comfortable as well.. We have kind of nested in it for the moment while watching tv :) As seen on the picture below. More pictures will follow soon when I can find the camera and batteries back :p

Thursday, 1 March 2012


Well, today we've gotten the keys to our new apartment! I'm soooo happy!! I was until now constantly expecting something to go sideways still.. But no, it's really ours! :D
So, here come the promised pictures!

This is as we just got the place. So it's nothing too fantastic yet, but very good for it's age as it's not too young any more! From 1979 to be exact, so ten years older than me! :P

So, at the top at the left is the front door and at the top at the right is the outside. Nothing too special about that though.

The one on the right is the kitchen, with room for a gas stove, and a proper vent too :) The empty space on the left is for a fridge, but we're not sure ours is going to fit due to the heater and it's pipes just straight in front of the door..

The one on the left is the rest of the living room, no idea who came up with the colour scheme by the way, but they do not have taste if you ask me... Baby blue and light green?... No thanks :P So the green walls will end up white-ish later :)

Then on the right is the bedroom, very spacious :) Will have plenty of room for our stuff, and we'll be able to walk around the bed! How luxurious will that be!
Below is the other side of the bedroom, again the green and blue :s ... It also has a door straight to the bathroom from the bedroom as well as from the hallway.

Next up, the bathroom. Very nice. Could do with some more storage room though, but that will come over time :) It's got a connection for a washing machine, which I think is just plain awesome! On the picture to the left the connection fall just off it. But once I get the washer in I'll take another picture anyways :)
The washer is actually a birthday present of my parents, complete surprise! We also have a bath now! That is going to be nice now and then :)

Then we also have a nice little balcony :) It's pretty much completely out of the wind, but will get sun most of the day :) It wasn't a sunny day today though, so that will have to wait a little bit for now.

Then the view of the balcon is just FANTASTIC! As said, it wasn't a clear day, so we'll have to redo these pictures again on a clear day, because you can see nearly twice as far then! But due to being on the 7th floor, we can see pretty much all of the south of Diemen. The pictures are arranged as the view is. The first picture is when you look to the right, the middle one when you look ahead and the last one when you look to the left. All standing from our balcony.
We also can't wait to take some pictures at night, as we can imagine this will look absolutely fantastic then as well!

I have no pictures of it, but we've got some ground floor storage space as well. When you enter it's like soooo odd, it's almost a building change. It is small and damp and the numbering is all over the place. So, Dan and I have started to dub those the catacombs from now on, as even the guy from the estate agent didn't know where our storage box was. So we all ended up just running around down there, just about not getting lost :P

Either way, this is all I've got for now. I will keep on posting as we continue to work in the place and move in over the next couple of weeks.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Got it!!

We have got it! The new apartment! It be ours!!
I'm signing the contract on Friday, and then a week later, we can move in :)
I'm so incredibly happy we did! It is a shame it means we won't be moving to England for at least another year, but I really don't mind that right now :)

Obviously pictures will follow :)

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Housing update

Today I've had contact with the estate agent again. They don't know yet when they will hear something. They are hoping to hear something today or tomorrow, but they are not sure if they will..
So we will just carry on doing what we've done before and the only thing we can do.. Wait.. And try to not get too hyped up..

In the mean time I've continued with trying to get another place. Reacted on a couple more decent places but it's really difficult and expensive most of the time :(
Sometimes so much that single rooms go for more money than this appartment does.. That is more then € 500 for a room and then you have to share the livingroom, bathroom, toilet and kitchen..

The other thing I've noticed is that it seems like it's calming down.. Since we have viewed this appartment it seems like there is less places offered then before we viewed.. With the very big possibility that we don't get this apartment I have continued to look just as much as before the viewing, so I don't think thats the issue

Monday, 13 February 2012


Well, last Friday we've had a viewing... together with about 30 other people..... But it's a very nice apartment, and I still fit all the requirements, so that is nice. Today I've filled in all the forms and I hope that we'll get something from this because this apartment is just IT! It looks nice, is the right size and the right price!

Sadly it was so busy I haven't been able to take any pictures but it's got a very nice floor in and some wallpaper on the wall that isn't too great (light green and light blue) but it's wallpaper anyways. It's got a nice little balcony that's pretty much entirely out of the wind and rain so for good use. And because it's on the 7th floor it's got an AMAZING view! It's got a bedroom with an actual door in it and a bathroom with a bath and the connection for an actual washing machine! That would be heaven! :D The kitchen is an open kitchen and has plenty of storage room and room for our current fridge and stove.

It's all nothing special, but so much better then what we've got now :) So hoping and praying that we get the place! :)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Just a short update

I figured I would post a little update on how things are going :)

I'm currently corresponding about at least four apartments, all pre-furnished and on the west side of Amsterdam. Would be cool if I could get something on that side as it's the side my work is on. Depending on the amount of furnishings we might have to put some of our stuff in storage but with some luck and cleaning up it won't be too much :)

The biggest question about all of these apartments is whether they will allow us to live in it together as they are meant for one person. But of course as soon as I know something more I'll post mor again ;)

Edit: I looked more into the four apartments I was going on about and it turns out the emailaddress I have been given is owned by a scammer.. So that won't do..

Friday, 3 February 2012


Well, it's been quite a while since I wrote anything. But I have to start at some point again. I will try to keep it to a weekly or two weekly posting.

So far we still don't have a place in Amsterdam, and due to that the moving to England has been postponed. The other thing to that is that I've still not passed my driving test, so that makes moving to England a lot more difficult as well. For the driving test I'm going to change driving school as my old instructor was not a very nice person and not teaching me much any more :(

Also it has snowed today!! This fell in a little over 3 hours...