Monday, 22 August 2011

Theory exam

Well, today I've tried the theory exam for my drivers licence for the first time. The first part of this blog has actually been written on the mobile app while waiting in the building :p

I was pretty nervous before hand and not expecting at all to pass. Mainly because the book I had was from 2007 and the cd from 2009 and they changed a lot of rules in 2010. So I already was afraid there might be questions that I wouldn't know or gave the wrong answer because the rule got changed. On top of that while doing the trial tests on the cd I did indeed notice that some questions I answered wrong even though I gave the right answer according to the book. So before I even started on the test I kinda expected not to pass..
On top of all that I developed a terrible cold last night and this morning. That didn't leave me feeling much better about it of course..

My feeling before hand was pretty right because I failed with just 3 questions too much wrong.. Funny thing is, there was a couple of questions where I first gave the right answer and then started to doubt myself and change to a wrong answer.. So if I would.have actually trusted myself for once..

Still I'll be booking a new test as soon as possible. Since I also know now what to expect :)

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Busy but not much news

Well it's been a while since my last blog. Mainly because not much has been happening other then me working.
I did however start on my drivers licence last week. Yesterday I had my third lesson and I'm still much enjoying it. It's also difficult though. So many things I need to pay attention too and do at the same time. Yesterday we even went on the ring road for a little bit, which was quite scary considering it was only my third lesson!!

I've been busy with getting the required registrations as well. For the Netherlands I've sorted it almost completely, I just have to send in the papers.
For the UK I send in a form that should get me an application set.. So now I'm just waiting for that :)
We have also been thinking of moving a little later because the NMC (Nurses and Midwifes Council, the body that sorts the registrations in the UK) is going to take up to 12 weeks to get my registration sorted..
The preferred time of moving has now changed to the beginning to half December. That way I'll also be able to finish working the entire month of November.